Fallani Venezia

Fallani Venezia is an artisanal screen print studio working since 1968 in the heart of Venice. It prints high-quality serigraphies, providing its own technical skills and its own sensibility, in order to interpret and transform into screen print artistic expressions of painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators, street artists, graphic designers. Gianpaolo Fallani that is (currently) running the Studio has inherited the passion for this technique from his father Fiorenzo, that has been collaborating with more than 200 artists from all over the world for whom he realized more than 1000 editions. The Studio keeps on printing on commission, by proposing also workshops and residencies that invite the artists to know and experiment the versatility and the potential of this printing technique. In 2018 Gianpaolo Fallani was awarded the recognition of MAM Master of Arts and Crafts. Also in 2018 he participated in Doppia Firma together with the designer Giampiero Bodino and Homo Faber, in the "Venetian Ways" and "Double Firma" sections.

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